Bảy Cái Tôi, also known as Kill Me Heal Me, is a Chinese television series that is a remake of the popular Korean drama of the same name. Despite not receiving high ratings or much attention from the media, the show boasts a talented young cast, especially the notable actors Thai Van Tinh and Truong Nhat Son. The series promises to bring new elements to the Chinese film industry by the end of 2017.
The story of Bảy Cái Tôi revolves around the love story of Tham Diec Tran and Bach Han Han, a couple whose fate brings them together in a coincidental and intentional way. Tham Diec Tran is the heir of the Tham family, but due to a difficult childhood, he develops psychological issues. To avoid scrutiny and plan for the future, Diec Tran's family sends him to the United States for both studying abroad and receiving treatment for his mental illness. However, due to his father's poor health and inability to handle the company's responsibilities, Diep Tram is forced to return to China to manage the company. It is by chance that he meets Bach Han Han, a psychologist with a beautiful and intelligent demeanor that captivates him. From then on, Han Han plays the role of a psychiatrist for Diep Tram, except for him.
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