Tuổi 17 VietSub, Seventeen-Year-Olds Condition (2019) is a four-episode drama produced by SBS that has garnered considerable attention from viewers. With its high school youth genre, fast-paced and captivating storyline, and a talented young cast, the show offers many interesting elements, especially for young audiences. The first episode aired on August 5, 2019, during prime time, serving as a filler until the release of a new project. The Vietnamese title of the show is "Tuổi 17," directed by the relatively unknown Jo Young-Min, with scriptwriting by Ryu Bo-Ri. In addition to young actors like Yoon Chan-Young, Park Si-Eun, and Baek Seung-Hwan, the show also features established names like Seo Jung-Yeon and Lee Hang-Na. The story revolves around the lives and coming-of-age journey of seventeen-year-old Min-Jae and the beautiful high school student Seo-Yeon. Min-Jae is a studious student but shy and insecure, while Seo-Yeon, who attends the same school, is an ordinary and emotionally sensitive girl. After Seo-Yeon's parents divorce, she lives with her mother. The two coincidentally meet and gradually become close, experiencing meaningful high school years together, filled with both joy and sadness.
Seventeen-Year-Olds Condition (2019),also known as Tuổi 17 VietSub, is a highly anticipated drama produced by SBS. Despite having only four episodes, the show has captured the attention of many viewers. With its fast-paced and captivating storyline set in a high school environment, coupled with a talented young cast, the series offers a plethora of intriguing elements, particularly for the younger audience. The first episode, which aired on August 5, 2019, during prime time, served as a temporary placeholder until the release of a new project. Directed by the relatively unknown Jo Young-Min and written by Ryu Bo-Ri, the Vietnamese titled "Tuổi 17" features a mix of young actors such as Yoon Chan-Young, Park Si-Eun, and Baek Seung-Hwan, as well as established names like Seo Jung-Yeon and Lee Hang-Na. The story revolves around the lives and coming-of-age journey of Min-Jae, a seventeen-year-old introverted and self-conscious student with excellent academic performance, and Seo-Yeon, a beautiful and emotionally sensitive high school girl who attends the same school. Seo-Yeon, who now lives with her mother following her parents' divorce, and Min-Jae coincidentally meet and gradually develop a close bond, experiencing a meaningful high school life filled with both happy and sad moments.
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