“Youth MT” is a new variety show on TVING that brings together the cast members from "Love in the Moonlight," "Itaewon Class," and "The Sound of Magic." The three television dramas, directed by PD Kim Sung Yoon, will reunite for a relaxing getaway. "MT" stands for Membership Training, referring to participating in a retreat where everyone goes on outings, plays games, and spends time bonding with each other.
In this exciting program, viewers can expect to see their favorite actors and actresses from these popular dramas come together in a different setting. It will be a chance for them to take a break from their hectic schedules and enjoy some quality time together. The concept of "MT" is not only about having fun but also about fostering strong relationships and building camaraderie among the cast members.
With the talented PD Kim Sung Yoon at the helm, audiences can anticipate an entertaining and heartwarming show that showcases the chemistry and friendship between the actors. "Youth MT" promises to be a delightful program that will bring joy and laughter to viewers as they witness the cast members' adventures and interactions during their retreat.
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